Sunday, October 16, 2016

Release V.1610-01 for public out now!

So here ya go,

V.1610-01 has been released for public. Feel free to download it from our d/l-site and also be sure to check our new About the game site.

Feel free to support us on patreon if you like our game and want to get new releases sooner then everybody else.

As for the history, here is what awaits you in this release:

-- Redesigned Nadia (player character)
. changed her appearance (iteration can be seen here:
. adjusted clothing
. remade animations
. prevent animation cancelling (for more consistent combat)

-- Improved enemies
. only attack when in line of sight
. shouldn't get stuck on edges anymore
. dead enemies stay visible

-- Added cheat options for patrons (10$)
. in the start screen menu a code can be entered. This code is provided through our patreon page.
. if a correct code was entered, a button with cheat options will be available in the in game menu
. the code changes every version
. the code only needs be entered once

-- Added menu for multiple savestates
. auto save was removed

-- Added Gallery
. once a scene is unlocked it stays permanently unlocked

-- Added "Cock Fruit"
. adds permanently 10HP
. one can be found in every area (desert, forest, graveyard, prison)

-- Sword can be upgraded
. after completing a quest
. makes more damage

-- Added well in village to restore health
-- Added new boss
-- Added some more quests and scenes
-- Expanded and altered some areas

-- Improved menu inputs
-- Added exit button to leave the game from the start menu
-- Various bug fixes (included some game breaking ones)

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, noticed 2 bugs though

    1. Talking to Lily on my previous version save freezes the game

    2. If you're on an old save, if you heal before you've eaten any cockfruit, the player freezes (although you can still access menus)
