Thursday, November 17, 2016

Update to V.1611-02! Critical save bugfix

This update fixes a game breaking bug regarding quests. This is the first unity AGAHD release which requires a minor version patch. The problem is a stupid naming bug.

The third party asset (tool / addon) we use for dialogues and quests uses capitalized quest states on the programming side: 'Unassigned', 'Active', 'Success'.
For some reason they decided to use lowercase quest states in the database: 'unassigned', 'active', 'success'.
We knew this and made it right... 7 out of 8 times. It was corret in our debug tools, that's why this bug slipped through the tests.
After loading the game every lowercase quest state was overwritter by uppercase quest states.
In the end the game checken: 'Active' is not equal 'active', what messed up the whole quest system.

If you saved only once, save files work. If you saved multiple times on the same save state it's most likely broken.
We will try to improve our tests, but especially quests have thousands of combinations which makes it hard to find all bugs. Thanks to Ian Gilligan for informing us of this bug.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

New release V.1611-01

Hey folks,

it is time to make the latest release public, so here ya go! V.1611-01 is available for download in the download-section of this blog. Please keep in mind that old savegames sadly wont work this time. We had to restructure some technical stuff for them so they now will hopefully work for future versions. It's always a bit tricky with save as some things might change here and there which are then missing in the old save and thus breaking the game. But we will improve on that.

We hope you like the new stuff in this version and if you like, support us on patreon. Also stay tuned for more infos comming up soon on some changes regarding the gameplay and the monthly updates.
